Marketing Intellisense S.L (hereinafter referred to as the Holder) with TIN B87612321, and address at C/ Calendula, 93, Edificio F, Alcobendas 28109, Madrid, Spain, registered in the Companies Register of Madrid, Volume: 34993, Sheet: 207, Section: 8, Registration Form: 629335, Enrollment: 1, is the holder of the Web Site (hereinafter referred to as the Web Site) accessible through the next URL: https://web.Marketing Digital Intelisense/ (contact email: info@Marketing Digital Intelisense) For further information, inquiry, question or suggestion concerning the Web Site, you may contact us by writing us to the email avobe-mentioned.

General Conditions of Use

1. Identification of the parties

These General Conditions of Use are signed on the one hand by the Owner and on the other by you, as a natural or legal person User who voluntarily accesses the Website freely and free of charge.

2. Purpose of the Website

The purpose of this Website is to inform about the functionalities provided by the Owner. Access to and navigation through the Website is free.

3. User Obligations

As a User by simply accessing and browsing through the Website, you must: to. Use the Website diligently, correctly and lawfully, always in compliance with current legislation, morality and good customs, as well as public order. b. Periodically review these Conditions, or any others that may be applicable, checking for any modifications that may occur. c. Review the communications that the Owner sends you, as they may contain important information. d. Do not use the Website for commercial purposes, especially to collect information or content for the purpose of providing services that clearly constitute competition for the Owner. and. Do not modify or try to modify in any way, nor carry out actions or use means aimed at simulating the appearance or functions of the Website. F. Not damage, disable, overburden, or impair the service (or the network or networks connected to the service), or interfere with their use and enjoyment. g. Refrain from carrying out any action that involves the introduction of computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses or any other type of malicious code intended to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionalities of the Website. h. Do not use reverse engineering techniques and/or decipher, decompile or use any other system intended to know the Owner's source code. Yo. In any case, do not carry out any type of act that may violate the rights or interests of the Owner or third parties, such as, for example, intellectual or industrial property rights (patents, trademarks, copyright rights, trade secrets...).

4. Availability of the Website

The Owner tries to improve and expand its content and the services offered therein. Despite this, the Website will be displayed as it is at all times, depending on availability, limitations and other concurrent circumstances.

5. Exclusion of liability

The Owner works so that the services and functionalities of the Website are always available. However, when you access it, it will be shown to you according to availability and limitations that apply at any given time. Despite the Owner's continuous effort to protect the systems and content included in the Website, for which purpose it uses the usual security standards on the Internet, it is not possible to offer full guarantees in relation to intrusions or loss of information that may occur. . Likewise, the absence of viruses or other harmful elements on the Website or on third-party websites that may cause alterations in the User's computer system, both software and hardware, cannot be guaranteed. For this reason, the User assumes and understands that there are situations that may escape the control of the Owner. The Website may include links to pages or sites of third parties other than the Owner, for which it does not assume any type of responsibility by not approving or reviewing their functions and contents. The User who accesses any link published on the Website does so at his own risk and fortune, without the Owner assuming any responsibility for it. Likewise, the Website is exempt from all liability arising from misuse of the same by the Users, as well as for non-compliance with the obligations or commitments assumed under these conditions or any other applicable ones.

6. Intellectual and industrial property rights

All intellectual and industrial property rights over the Website and its contents, including programming, design, applications, graphics, codes, text or images, brands, trade names, distinctive signs and other elements. present there belong exclusively to the Titu